Hello, I'm Sean.

2024 Graduate of Treehouse Full Stack Java Script TechDegree coding bootcamp. Leveraging my problem-solving and leadership skills as a BSN-RN, combined with my skills as a developer, I'm eager to collaborate with driven professionals to provide high-quality solutions and positive business outcomes.

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picture of avatar holding a bird

About Me

I aim for excellence in software development by adhering to standards such as 'maintainable software', JSDocs, and conventional commits.

My critical-care nursing skills seamlessly translate into software development, offering a blend of professionalism, attention to detail, and adaptability; all of which are essential to effective problem-solving and user-centered software development. I excel in multi-disciplinary teams, demonstrating strong leadership and exceptional communication abilities to facilitate team progress.

I am always looking for change and enjoy challening myself to new experiences and skillsets.

  • JavaScript
  • ReactJS
  • NextJS
  • ExpressJS, Pug
  • SQL, mongoDB
  • NodeJS
  • Firebase, Supabase

My Projects


    This is a mock cryptocurrency, malt-coin, that also has a blockchain and smart contract. It implements Firebase authentication and Firestore for user data storage, along with JWTs for authorization.

    Full Stack Application - School Database

    This full stack application combines projects 9 and 10. Project 9 is the back-end API made with Express and SQL. Project 10 is the front-end made with React.js.

    SQL Library Manager

    This application presents a library database in which users may perform CRUD operations. This application was made with Express, SQL, and Pug.

    React Gallery Application

    This SPA uses the Flickr API to generate photos of pre-selected serach tags. The user may also search for a specific tag using the search field. *NOTE: I am not hosting a live version due to an issue with the API key on deployment.

    Original Portfolio Site

    This is my original portfolio site that was created with Express.js, Node.js, and Pug.

    User Files - Fetch API & Modal

    This application retrieves 12 random users from the 'randomuser.me' API and displays a modal when a user card is clicked.

    Phrase Hunter Game

    This is a game called 'Phrase Hunter' that provides the player with a hidden phrase. The player must choose letters in order to correctly guess the phrase. The player may use the on-display keys or physical keyboard.

    Interactive Form

    This is a web form that provides real-time, input feedback to the user for each form field. Some form fields are disabled on certain selections to prevent the user from submitting conflicting data.

    Data Pagination and Filtering

    This application presents a list of students in a hard-coded data file. A pagination feature and a 'real-time' search function is added to the application.

Let's Connect

I am looking for opportunities as a full stack software developer! My inbox is open for any inquiries, questions, or even if you'd just like to chat! Email me at SEAN.CROOKS.P@GMAIL.COM

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